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Mānuka-HonigPropolisGelée royale
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Alle ProdukteBestsellerHautpflegeNahrungsergänzungsmittelWellness-Shop
LebenImmunitätUnsterblichkeitProdukte nach Inhaltsstoffen
Mānuka-HonigPropolisGelée royaleKontaktieren Sie uns
Kontaktieren Sie unsAffiliate-ProgrammLemon, ginger, and mānuka meet within this sweet and soothing lozenge. With ginger to build immunity and ease sore throats – and the powerful natural protection of MGO600+ mānuka honey.
Variant: 85g
Lemon, ginger, and mānuka meet within this sweet and soothing lozenge. With ginger to build immunity and ease sore throats – and the powerful natural protection of MGO600+ mānuka honey.