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Miele di MānukaPropoliRoyal Jelly
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Tutti i prodottiPiù vendutiCura della pelleIntegratoriNegozio Benessere
VitaImmunitàImmortalitàProdotti per ingredienti
Miele di MānukaPropoliRoyal JellyInformazioni sugli ingredienti
Che cos'è il miele di Mānuka?Che cos'è la propoli?Che cos'è la gelatina reale?Che cos'è il veleno delle api?La nostra storia
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ContattaciProgramma di affiliazioneIl piccolo ma potente albero Mānuka è originario della Nuova Zelanda ed è da tempo rinomato per le sue potenti capacità curative.
Collaboriamo con proprietari terrieri appassionati e affini per coltivare questo albero miracoloso su terreni agricoli marginali. Ciò significa che i proprietari terrieri possono garantire di sfruttare al massimo ogni angolo della loro terra, lasciando dietro di sé un minore impatto ambientale.
For over 20 years, Mānuka Health has worked alongside the owners of Rimunui Station to help protect and preserve its rugged beauty for future generations. Scott & Julayne Thompson are the custodians of this sweeping hill country station, enveloped by breathtaking views of Mount Taranaki and Mount Ruapehu.
Planting of Mānuka began in 2020, and a remarkable 330 hectares are now home to this treasured native tree. Long ago, in 1890, almost all of Rimunui's vast land area was farmed. Today, more than 2800 hectares have been restored and regenerated back to the native bush it once was.
Mānuka Health and Te Roroa are long-time partners in apiculture. The Te Roroa rohe (an area of Iwi or tribal land) is nestled in the Northland region of New Zealand. This special space is brimming with nature's wild elegance, and is renowned for creating remarkably pure and potent Mānuka honey.
Te Roroa's Mānuka journey began in 2018, with a trial planting of just over 50 hectares of native Mānuka seedlings. These trees were planted with the ultimate aim of restoring and replenishing the area's natural habitat. Not only that; it has also seen the creation of numerous career paths for the local community, and an invaluable honey-generating resource that can be treasured for decades into the future.